Prakash Jha is going ahead with the sequel of Raajneeti, a 2010 hit film. The filmmaker is quoted as saying, “It is very challenging to take the Raajneeti story forward. Most of the main characters are dead. Two-thirds of the characters will be completely new. Katrina (Kaif) will have a central role.”
Surprisingly, Ranbir Kapoor, who played the key role in the first part, is no more part of the sequel. So, don’t expect to see the repeat of Ranbir-Katrina chemistry in the second part. The sequel of Raajneeti will again be a spin on the Mahabharat, but this time, it will be completely different, claims Prakash Jha.
For the original, Katrina Kaif not only brushed up her Hindi but also tried to get rid of her heavily anglicized accent. Kat did manage to pull off lengthy Hindi dialogues and gave her best performance in the film. Prakash Jha was very happy with the actress’ effort, and wished to work with her again.
But, why is Ranbir Kapoor not in the film? It’s heard that he doesn’t want to play sidekick to his alleged ex-girlfriend Katrina Kaif.
Katrina Kaif is the current flavor among the filmmakers. She has signed all big films with the three major Khans, and is in demand.